The Nurse (1997) | Free Movies Cinema - Watch Free Movies and Films

The Nurse (1997)

1997 | Horror | Feature

Great suspense-filled gore-free entertainment!

When her father kills himself and his family after being named in an embezzlement scandal, nurse Laura Harriman vows revenge on the man responsible. She soon gets her chance when his accuser suffers a stroke that leaves him paralyzed and mute - the perfect victim. After becoming his private nurse, the "angel of death" sets out on a psychotic killing spree that will complete her descent into madness and destroy an innocent by one.

We've have seen it all before. A person, often a female, gets angry about something that stands in her way of success or plain satisfaction. We saw that in for example "The Temp", "The Secretary", "Daddy's Girl" and "Fatal Attraction" by naming a few. This time it's a nurse! Even if I've seen everything before I think the movie is both exciting and fun to watch. Not a masterpiece, but also far from the opposite. An entertaining little movie

Directed by: Robert Malenfant
Starring: Lisa Zane, Janet Gunn, John Stockwell